Monet, our keeper puppy from our Speed x Paris 2024 litter, had her very first dog show and won Best Baby Puppy in Sweepstakes. Thank you to judge Yvonne Poire for choosing Monet as her favourite puppy out of almost 30 other lovely puppies of all different breeds. What an exciting debut for this promsing show puppy!
Sunday December 8th was a busy one with Bellini showing at the Brantford and District dog show. She walked away with a fabulous Group 1st over many of Canada's top non-sporting dogs thanks to judge Mr. Ron Mahon.
We entered Bellini in two days of the Caledon dog show and she had a wonderful time. On Saturday November 30th she went Group 3rd under Irish judge Mr. Colm Beattie then on Sunday December 1st she went Group 3rd again under American judge Mr. Douglas Johnson (pictured). This is our favourite win photo of her yet with thanks to photographer Anne Raszewski.
On Saturday November 23rd 2024 Bellini wins Best of Breed over a nice entry of other Dalmatians and goes on to a Group 3rd under esteemed judge Mr. Robert Hutton (USA). This win also completes her Grand Champion Bronze titles which is fantastic and very exciting as we are proud breeders, owners and handlers of her.
Bellini remains as the Number #1 Dalmatian in all of Canada. We are extremely proud breeders, owners and handlers of our sweet, sassy and stunning girl. This ad is featured in the Show Scene dog magazine publication and we love it!
At the Georgina dog show on November 15th-17th 2024 Bellini wins three Group 4 placements under judges Irene Latchford, Jocelyne Gagne and Peter Laventhall-Wolfish.
Friday November 1st 2024 we ventured to the Trillium dog show in Lindsay Ontario where Bellini won Best of Breed at the Non-Sporting Specialty show thanks to judge Nancy Gallant in the morning and Select Bitch in the afternoon under judge Cindy Vogels.
As we were busy with puppies (and didn't want to bring home any dog related germs) Bellini wasn't shown since the summer. She came back out to strut her stuff on Friday October 25th 2024 though and won Best of Breed and Group 1st in Belleville Ontario under judge Mr. Robert Denis.
The remainder of the summer and the fall have flown by but we are back with our highlights. Our gorgeous litter of 10 puppies from the special Speed x Paris litter grew perfectly and 9 of them found loving forever homes. We kept yellow collar girl and her new name is Monet (like the artist). These beloved and beautiful babies were such a pleasure and a joy to raise from start to finish. We will be planning a litter for 2025 which is very exciting for us and those who continue to inquire about adding a Brookfield puppy to their lives!
Woohoo, all 10 puppies from our Speed x Paris litter have perfect bilateral hearing! This means that they can all hear correctly out of both ears and that none of them are unilteral or deaf. We take them to the University of Guelph to perform the BAER testing and the puppies had a great day meeting the staff and were very well behaved for the testing procedure. What a sigh of relief to know we have only ever produced 100% normal (bilateral) hearing puppies here at Brookfield Dalmatians.
On September 26th we travelled two hours (one way) to our incredible reproduction vet for the puppies first vaccinations, wellness check and for lots of puppy kisses. All 10 puppies got a perfect bill of health with strong hearts and had a blast with the incredible staff. This clinic is the same one who imported Speeds frozen semen for us from California, who completed the TCI procedure, did Paris' x-ray on day 58 to count how many puppies we were expecting, and performed her cesarean section. Talk about a full circle moment to arrive with 10 perfect bundles of love 8 weeks later that would not be here without the help of the fabulous team at Alma Street Animal Hospital.
As of August 13th 2024 our fabulous litter of 10 stunning puppies is already 2 weeks old! Their eyes are starting to open and their spotting is really becoming more evident of what they'll look like as they mature. Personalities are forming as well and boy are they ever such a fun group of wee little spotted wonders.
Our gorgeous litter of 10 puppies are now 12 days old and everyone is thriving! Paris is being an amazing mother and we have just a couple spots left on our wait list for forever homes. If you're seriously interested in owning a Brookfield Dalmatian we invite you to complete the puppy application found on our contact us page and send us an email with the inquiry. Puppies will be ready to leave the nest so to speak at the end of September.
Paris is proud to share her beautiful litter that was born on July 31st 2024 with sire Speed. They had 10 strong and gorgeous babies consisting of 10 lovely puppies with 4 males and 6 females. Everyone is thriving and Paris is an exceptionally loving and gentle mother. Welcome to the world little ones!
Paris is on day 54 of her 63 day pregnancy and we are thrilled to suspect she has a beautiful sized litter baking in her glowing belly. Her X-ray is scheduled for Friday July 26th to get an accurate count of puppies which we cannot wait for! Our wait list for puppies has started so depending on how many puppies are born we may take a few more names for reservations. Puppies will be ready for their forever homes around September 25th 2024.
Happy 1st Birthday, Hilton! This handsome boy had a wonderful day with his very special family whom we are so thankful for. Hilton was our gorgeous singleton puppy that Paris had last summer who has clearly grown up to be a gorgeous, confident and very beloved dog.
Bellini continues to make us proud over 6 days worth of dog shows from June 4th through to the 9th. She garners more lovely wins over nice competition and remains as Canada's Number 1 Dalmatian. Proudly breeder owner handled as always!
We truly have the most thoughtful friends and are totally in love with this gorgeous custom pen that was gifted to us. We will proudly use it for all things Brookfield and will cherish it forever.
We have a 10 year old in the house! Happy Birthday to our matriarch, mascot, and monkey - Queen Envy!
Thank you to Judge Jean Delisle for this wonderful Reserve Best in Show from the Monarch dog show on June 14th and to photographer Tracy Cartwright for the gorgeous memento. Bellini can now be called "BIS RBIS GCH Brookfields Lady Marmalade"
Off to the Monarch Kennel Club dog show we went and was it ever an amazing weekend for Bellini. She was undefeated in the all breed shows winning 4 out of 4 Group 1sts, a Group 2nd in the Limited show, and a Reserve Best in Show on the Friday. We cannot thank the Judges Jean Delisle, Robert Denis, Dr. Lucie Paradis, Pamela Bruce, and Irene Latchford enough for finding our superstar!
Although we have known Bellini finished her Grand Championship for a while now it became official once her certificate arrived in the mail. Since then she is now almost a Grand Champion Bronze like her mother!
The Ontario County show is wrapped up and we had another successful time this year. Bellini kept up her winning streak of taking Best of Breed everyday followed by a Group 2nd under Judge Nancy Popovich, a Group 3rd under Judge Cheryl Paterson and another Group 3rd under Judge Raymond Yurick. Thank you Judges!
We're super excited to share that Bellini continues to stay the #1 Dalmatian Canada wide! She was awarded her third Group 1st in just two partial weekends, this time under judge Mrs. Sandy Gelinas, at the Victoria County dog show on April 28th 2024. This fabulous win also secures her CKC Grand Championship. Photography by Tracy Cartwright.
Bellini comes out for her first dog show weekend in 2024 and had an exceptional time at the Champlain Dog Club show in Petawawa Ontario. She was awarded Group 1st by judges Robert Denis and Roberto Velez-Pico, Group 2 by Dr. Michael Woods, Group 3 by Judges Mike Jackman and Blai Llobet and a Group 4 under Judge Glen Stark. She also went BEST IN SHOW under Judge Robert Denis and combined with all of these wonderful wins she is now the Number ONE Dalmatian in all of Canada! Photo by Dean Dennis.
From March 21st to the 23rd, Princeton went to the New Jersey Dalmatian Specialties and won his 3rd 4 point major under judge Mr. Richard LeBeau on the Thursday, his 4th 4 point major to finish his American Championship under judge Mr. James Reynolds on the Friday, then went Select Dog under judge Dana Cline on Saturday which was his first day as a move up special. We are beyond proud and smitten with him for undertaking these impressive wins in the USA.
Paris is shown in Canada at the Scarborough Dog Show in Lindsay Ontario on the weekend of March 22nd-24th and garners 3 Best of Breeds in the all breed dog shows and another Best of Breed at the Non-Sporting Specialty for a 4th time that weekend. We thank all of the judges for the honours, which include a Canadian and International panel, who found our beloved girl.
On Sunday March 3rd Princeton goes Best of Breed over specials from the classes and onto a lovely Group 3rd win. He was expertly handled by Lesley Anne Potts in West Springfield Massachusetts under judge Dr. Anne Gallant.
Princeton makes his American debut on February 24th 2024 and goes Winners Dog for a major win at the Rockland County Kennel Club dog show in West Springfield, MA. Expertly handled by one of his owners, Jeff Langevin, under judge Mr. Ray Filburn.
On the weekend of January 27-28th we attended the Erie Kennel Club dog show in Erie Pennsylvania and Paris was awarded Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a major win to finish her American Championship! Special thanks to judges Mr. Jon Cole (USA) and Mr. Doug Johnson (USA) for finding our special girl out of a large entry of beautiful Dalmatians.
Bellini made her American debut at the Greater Detroit Dalmatian Club Specialty show in Michigan on December 1st and was chosen as Best in Sweepstakes out of a very competitive line up of promising youngsters. Special thanks to judge Ms. Nancy Amburgey (USA) for finding our home bred superstar and to photographer Kim Booth for the beautiful win photo.
Paris got back into the ring after having time off to be a mother and was awarded a Specialty Winners Bitch and Best of Winners on Friday December 1st 2023. This fabulous win at the Greater Detroit Dalmatian Club was over more than a dozen other lovely Dalmatians with thanks to judge Ms. Cheryl Paterson (CAN). Paris is now only a couple points away from obtaining her American Championship in very limited showing.
Bellini had an amazing weekend at the Georgina Kennel and Obedience Club dog show the weekend of November 10-12 2023. She finishes her Canadian Championship in style after just 3 partial weekends of showing, all from the bred by class at just 11 months of age, with special thanks to Canadian judges Michael Gelinas, Anik Primeau. and Sandy Gelinas. She also picked up another Best Puppy in Group over a lovely bunch of Non-Sporting puppies!
Hilton, "Brookfield's Heir To The Empire", came to the dog show for a visit and he is looking spectacular at just under 4 months of age. We are so excited for this handsome boys future and are so thankful for his phenomenal co-owners for the fantastic job they have done socialising, spoiling, and loving this happy boy. He has the confident, charming, and stable temperament with a very showy attitude that will serve him well once it's his turn to hit the rings in Canada and the USA!
What can we say beyond how thrilled and proud we are of this superstar puppy, Princess Bellini. On Saturday afternoon at the Trillium Dog Fanciers dog show she then went Best Puppy in Group and a fabulously large Group 3rd under world renowned Irish judge, Ms. Ann Ingram. This win puts her just a few points shy of her Canadian Championship after only a couple times of being shown and the best part is how much fun she had showing off in the ring. A true performer and once heck of a show dog - her future looks very bright needless to say!
Business cards are here folks and we love them! Thanks to Winconline for the logo of our dreams and to Ringside Images for the beautiful photos of our dogs who we love immensely.
Beautiful Bellini had a great Friday and Saturday at the Trillium Dog Fanciers dog show! She went Best of Opposite Sex and Winners bitch for more points on Friday October 27th 2023 thanks to Canadian judge Mrs. Honey Glendinning. This photo above is from Saturday morning where she then went Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best Puppy in Breed, and Best of Breed from the bred by class under American judge Mr. Joe Walton. Well done pretty puppy!
How sweet is this photo of baby Hilton with his new friends at his new Toronto firehall? He was adopted by the most amazing local family that have two wonderful kids, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever "sister", and a whole lot of fans already. Stay tuned for this handsome boys exciting future as we show him in both Canada and the United States which we are all looking very forward to!
Our beautiful young girl Bellini, who is Princeton's litter mate sister, was entered in her very first dog show and we are thrilled with how well she did in both the ribbons and with the experience as a whole. She was shown at the Belleville dog shows on the weekend of October 21st and went Winners Bitch and Best Puppy in Breed for her first championship point. We thank the awesome international judges for making her first dog show a positive experience and are truly excited for her career in the show ring. Stay tuned for more updates of this spotted diva!
Talk about a fancy baby! Mr. Hilton is pictured on our stacking box at the young age of just 5 weeks old and we are blown away. He is beautifully marked, wonderfully balanced in structure, and has the most confident, adorable, and stable temperament. The future looks very bright for this superstar baby and we are excited to see what happens next.
After a bit of a break from the show ring (to raise handsome puppy Hilton) our beloved Princeton went up to the Muskoka shows and made us so very proud. He garnered 5 Best Puppy in Groups, 2 Best Puppy in Shows, 2 Group 2nds, 1 Group 3rd, and 1 Group 4th under respected judges. We cannot thank the respected panel of judges enough for finding this charming young lad and are beyond thrilled with how fast and furious his career has already become.
On July 18th 2023 we welcomed a gorgeous, healthy, male singleton puppy into our lives and in our hearts! We dubbed him "Hilton" (after Momma Paris) and he is the most handsome little chunk we have ever seen. Stay tuned for the many updates as he grows before our eyes.
Talk about a stunning win photo! Here is Princeton's new championship picture taken by photographer Dean Dennis with judge Pamela Bruce. He is maturing beautifully right before our eyes and to hear the lovely comments about him are proof of how handsome he really is. We say this humbly as the competition he faced was lovely and the merit was high!
We could not be more proud as breeders, owners, and handlers of our special young man, Princeton, for accomplishing what he did over the 6 day cluster of dog shows in Norwood Ontario. Despite horrible thunder storms and intense heat advisory's, he garnered his Canadian Championship at just 6.5 months of age winning Best of Breed 5 out of 6 times from the Jr Puppy class, was chosen for Best Puppy in Group twice, followed by two Group 2's, one Group 3, and one Group 4. These amazing wins now place him as the Number 7 Dalmatian in all of Canada and we cannot wait to see what else he does in the next set of shows we plan to enter. Thank you to judges Donna Conod, Robert Denis, Shawn Nichols, Pamela Bruce and Mike Jackman for the honours!
It was an honour to be asked to judge Junior Handling and Nate had an amazing time in the ring with these talented kids of all ages at the Bobcaygeon Kennel Club show on Friday June 30th. The sport needs promising professionalism now more than ever and these young superstars make the future look very bright!
Well done Princeton! He kicked off the 6 day circuit of dog shows going Best of Breed from the 6-9 month male class, won Best Puppy in Group and a Group 2 in Norwood Ontario. He continues to shine and loves showing so much - even in the extreme heat we had this day. Thank you to judge Donna Conod for the divine placements.
We are in love with Princeton's latest ad in the marvellous issue of Show Scene last week. This publication is one that highlights show dogs as they accomplish milestone wins and our boy sure has done us so very proud thus far. The ad showcases his correct Dalmatian movement and credit is given to the very honourable judges who continue to find him and place him highly at CKC dog show events.
Mr. Princeton enjoyed his solo adventure, free from the other dogs, while we ran errands in town. It's so important to give each of our dogs opportunities to confidently explore new surroundings on their own, to meet lots of new people, and to educate the public on what a purebred Dalmatian should encompass. We visited Petsmart, Home Depot, and a Garden centre here in town. He had an absolute blast and slept like a baby afterwards!
That's a wrap on the last handling classes we teach for the remainder of the summer! Check out these beautiful teams of talented handlers and their pretty dogs as they work very hard to ensure everyone is ring ready for a fun season of outdoor dog shows. Well done everyone!
Envy, our matriarch (and mascot) Portuguese Water Dog, celebrated her 9th birthday on June 27th. Happy birthday beautiful girl and we hope there are many more years of pure joy and love ahead of us with you!
Briar and Epic enjoyed their busy day of adventures on June 25th! We hiked the Ennismore Waterfront trails then went to the Trent Locks for a nice swim afterwards. Dal's love to burn their energy in beautiful places, as do we, so we make sure that each of our dogs are taken to new places as outlets for fun - rain or shine!
Talk about a way to end a weekend! Princeton is awarded Best Puppy in Show on Sunday June 11th, thanks to judge Ron Mahon, on the first day he was eligible to compete. This young superstar is certainly (and already) making a name for himself and his future looks very bright!
We love looking at this beautiful young girl, Bellini, who is now 6 months old and is maturing right before our eyes. She is incredibly typey, very charismatic, has sensational movement, loves everyone and is quite the show off - especially if chicken is involved. We will be taking her out to shows in the coming months so stay tuned for updates on how she does.
Photographer Wendy Reyn nailed this movement shot out of the park of Princeton in the ring. This puppy has such gorgeous (and correct) reach and drive it gives us goosebumps! A powerful and energy saving trot that would withstand many miles of coaching alongside a horse and carriage, just as the breed was intended to do.
On his first day as a "Junior" puppy, which is a dog aged between 6-9 months of age, Princeton struts his stuff to a fantastic Best of Breed over other dalmatian competition, a Best Puppy in Group, and an impressive Group 2nd over some top Non-Sporting dogs. Thank you to judge Ron Mahon for the honour!
We cannot thank photographer and friend Wendy Reyn enough for capturing this stunning ringside candid of Princeton free stacked. Look at that sweet, beautiful, and focused puppy!
One of our favourite parts of this breed is how social they are. Here is Bellini posing with her new best friend, Gaga the Corgi, and brother Princeton back at the setup from last weekends dog show. These three had such a great time playing together which left us all with tired puppies after each day - pure bliss!
On his final day as a "Baby Puppy", which are pups categorized from 4-6 months of age, baby Princeton is awarded Best Baby Puppy in Group and Best Baby Puppy in Show under the marvellous judge Wendy Anderson. We are so proud of him and it was the best start to an amazing weekend in Orono at the Ontario County dog show!
Briar loves spending time in any body of water she can find. We swear she is part water dog!
Princeton says hotel rooms are super fun especially with all his favourite toys and a bed to himself! Although lets be honest he snuggled into us all night like the super sucky boy that he is.
What a thrill to have Princeton awarded Best in Sweepstakes over dozens of other Non-Sporting competition on May 22nd 2023 under respected judge Karen Cram. We thank her for the lovely comments on his superb quality and are excited for his very bright future in and out of the show ring.
Our dals, and most of them across the board, love to bask in the sunshine! Here is Paris, Briar, Princeton and Bellini soaking in the rays together. What a bunch of beautiful spotted lizards they are!
On Sunday April 29th Princeton once again wins Best Baby Puppy in the Non-Sporting Group which was such a thrill! Thank you to admired judge Jocelyn Gagne for finding him amongst a lovely line up of other beautiful puppies. It is very safe to say that we are simply thrilled and excited for what his bright future has in store for him!
Princeton just made his debut in the show ring in Lindsay Ontario at the Victoria County dog show and what a milestone weekend it was. At just over 4 months of age he impressed us so very much and won Best Baby Puppy in the Non-Sporting Group on Saturday under respected judge Kathrine Grant (pictured above).
Check out these amazing teams of dogs and their owners at the handling classes we teach here in the Peterborough area! It's so awesome to help newcomers learn and welcome them into the world of conformation dog shows or working with experienced breeds/owners/handlers that want to get their new puppies ring ready. Please e-mail us today if you'd like to attend or have any further questions about the classes. All skill levels are welcome!
Princeton and Bellini love to explore new places and with spring upon us we love taking them to beautiful garden centres and nurseries. They get to meet different people, experience new atmospheres, and its fun to expose them to new scents & smells such as fresh flowers and plants that they have not yet experienced (as they were born in the winter months).
Paris and Briar have started their "Distance Log Program" training as we hope to accomplish our goal of reaching a minimum of 170km worth of hiking, walking, and running these two active girls this year. They sure are not complaining and we love discovering new trails while keeping up their fabulous condition. To learn more about this program check out the link here:
Happy 1st birthday to our gorgeous girl Briar and her lovely litter mates! We love this goofy, confident and gorgeous girl so much and are very excited for what her future has in store for her.
We've completed more orders of our custom stacking boxes that are ready for their new homes! Reach out if you've like to order one for yourself (or a friend) in any paint colour or stain option, with your logo or kennel name printed in vinyl (on one long side and one short side), and we will get right to work. They make such amazing training tools for conformation show prospects and the feedback has been amazing. What a fun project they are to create too!
7 week old London (L) and Vienna (R) have truly been such a blessing in our lives and we have absolutely loved every moment while raising them. They are so clean, very quiet, totally comical, and breathtaking conformationally. Paris and Crew could not have produced two better puppies which we are thrilled with them both for many reasons!
Stunning and sassy Vienna has grown into such a gorgeous girl and reminds us so much of her flashy mother, Paris!
Handsome and super stoic London pictured above at 7 weeks of age and we certainly love what we see as he resembles his gorgeous daddy, Crew!
We are over the moon with joy to announce that after driving to the University of Guelph for their BAER hearing testing that both Vienna and London have Bilateral hearing! This means that both puppies can hear normally in BOTH ears with no deafness or unusual traces of readings on the complex testing results. How fabulous to also have such easy travellers who slept the entire 3 hour drive to and from the far away vet clinic without any stress or accidents.
Puppy socializing has really taken off this week with the welcome addition of trusted friends that wanted to help us be puppy testers. They have met all types of people this week including infants, children and adults which was nothing but a positive experience for everyone. Tons of confident, eager and happy tail wags, puppy kisses, and adorable snuggles ensued. Check out that happy blurry tails!
Vienna and London started to experience car rides this week at 6 weeks of age. They both calmly watched the world go by out the back window as we took them on drives around town and ran errands with them content in the back of our vehicles. No accidents, no screaming, and no car sickness - good job little babies!
The beautiful 6 week old puppies have truly deserved their "Canadian Card" this week as they are totally in love with all the fresh powdery snow we've gotten lately! The bold babies loved zooming around in the cold fluffy wet stuff as we have started to acclimatize them to go outdoors to encourage proper potty training habits.
London, our hunky social butterfly, is looking fantastic at 4 weeks of age on January 8th 2023. This handsome boy is bold, calm, collected, and confident. Nothing phases him, he loves interacting with us as much as possible, and he is just the biggest sweetheart of a puppy. His markings are gorgeous and he has a very promising future if we say so ourselves!
Pictured above is our gorgeous little diva girl, Vienna, photographed at week 4 on January 8th 2023. This stunning little miss is sharp, smart, and sassy! She doesn't miss a beat, is extremely confident, very bold, and not shy to explore new scenarios and to try new experiences. She is absolutely drop dead gorgeous to boot and we cannot wait to see how she matures over the coming weeks!
We have started the two siblings onto a variety of sound desensitisation! Today's exposure was fireworks, the sound of children playing, and vacuums. We have given them all sorts of textural elements each day such as tin foil, pots and pans, metal bells, loud squeakers, television, music, and then some. We proudly can share that each puppy has handled all situations like all stars and both of them are confident, react calmly to new situations, and are making us ever so proud. We predict both puppies are bilateral hearing which means they can hear in each ear. BAER hearing tests are booked for January 27th so we will confirm our theories then!
Two week old London and Vienna are doing so well! Clearly they have a hard life here at Brookfield and we continue to be amazed at their adorable antics. Both puppies are reserved at this time although we appreciate the inquiries and will happily add any serious prospective owners on our list for our 2023 litter - Just ask!
Check out the puppies new play centre! This safe, sturdy, and amusing structure keeps toys free from germs and allows for constant change of noises and textures which are important for little ones to be acclimatised to. We will add and swap new items every few days to expose the puppies to different materials as they gain confidence of new items in their domain.
Vienna (L) and London (R) are growing so quickly and they're looking more and more like Dalmatians by the moment. Spots are forming, eyes are opening, and temperaments are blossoming already. We are simply smitten and Paris is a wonderful, dedicated, and loving mother to her two beautiful puppies. We couldn't ask for more!
We are thrilled to announce our 2022 litter of Paris x Crew has arrived! We have one beautifully feminine female and one handsome masculine male. Their names are Vienna and London and both puppies are strong, thriving, and gorgeous already. The best is yet to come so stay tuned for updates!
Allow us to introduce our newest Canadian Championship! Multiple Best Puppy in Group winning, Best Baby Puppy in Group Winning, new Canadian Champion, "BedlamAcres Rhapsody Rose at Brookfield" - or Briar to her fans! She was awarded Winners Bitch and Best and Best of Breed under judge Carol Graham on Monday November 7th, Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Michael Canalizo on Tuesday November 8th, then finished her Championship on Wednesday November 9th going Winners Bitch and Best of Breed to wrap up the Olde York Kennel Club dog shows. We are over the moon with pure joy and excitement about this very beautiful, sweet, and flashy little youngster and thank everyone for their very kind words on her many lovely wins!
Beautiful Briar goes Winners Bitch and Best of Breed again on Sunday November the 6th to wrap up the Credit Valley weekend downtown Toronto at the Royal Winter Fair. She almost has her championship now its so close we can taste it!
Seven month old Briar is having a fantastic weekend at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair downtown Toronto! She was awarded Best Puppy in Group under judge Mrs. Thora Brown on friday November 4th and Best of Breed on Saturday November 5th under judge Mr. Alan Brown. She is now up to 3 Best Puppy in Group wins over outstanding lineups of other Non-Sporting puppies and only needs 3 additional points to obtain her Canadian Championship!
What can we say about beautiful baby Briar winning at her first "official" dog show! She was awarded Best of Breed from the 6-9 month old junior puppy class at just 6 months and 5 days of age. She then made the cut in the competitive Non-Sporting group with all the top dogs and then was awarded Best Puppy in Group out of a gorgeous line up of stunning puppies. We thank Roberto Velez-Pico for these honours as well as those onlookers who complemented this beautiful girl on her very successful day at Nipissing on October 7th 2022.
Where has our baby gone? This is a 6 month photo of our lovely youngster, Briar, practising her show dog skills on a crisp fall evening at handling class on Monday September 26th 2022.
The OFA results are now posted online stating Paris' CHIC number #173713 with completed requirements for health as per the Dalmatian breed standard.
Beautiful Briar pictured above at 5 months of age at handling class with Matthew. What a gorgeous youngster she is!
We are thrilled to announce that Paris has her official CHIC number (#173713) for Good-Normal Health Testing which is posted on the global OFA website. This means she is clear of the health issues that many Dalmatians face and she is above and beyond the standards for health to have future litters. Good girl Paris!
Fantastic news to wake up to on this lovely Tuesday August the 23rd 2022. Paris received the OFA rating for her recent hip x-rays and the results came back as "GOOD". She has no evidence of hip dysplasia in either hip socket - just as we predicted and hoped for!
Beautiful Briar is 19 weeks of age now and is growing up wonderfully! Here she is being handled by Matthew at handling class on August 22nd 2022.
Paris completes the last portion of her OFA Health Testing on August 16th and was a wonderful patient for the staff while getting her hips x-rayed. We should have the official results soon however the vet team predicted Good-Excellent results. Time will tell within the next week or so!
Pretty Princess Paris wins a group 1st under judge Dr. Lucie Paradis and a group 3 under judge Dianne Miller in St. Catherines on August 13th and 14th 2022. She clearly knows she made us very proud!
Our one day at the Muskoka and District dog show was a great one! On Friday July 29th Paris was awarded a Group 3rd in lovely competition and Briar made her debut at just 4 months of age in the baby puppy class (4-6 months). She won Best Baby Puppy in Group and showed so well! Thank you to judge Kim Leblanc for the honours with our two spotted girls and for being a fabulous first time experience for Briar.
Beautiful baby Briar is growing on up and we love what we see at 15 weeks of age on July 15th 2022!
In Sarnia Ontario BEST IN SHOW goes to the Dalmatian! Paris is awarded Best of Breed, Group 1st, and Best in Show under judge Cheryl Paterson on Canada Day July 1st 2022. What a thrill for everyone that loves, supports, and cheers for our beautiful spotted beauty queen!
This certificate from OFA shows Paris hears in BOTH ears when she was BAER tested as a puppy. This is also considered and called "Bi-Lateral" commonly in Dalmatians and is great news!
Beautiful Briar is growing up before our eyes and we love what we see! Here she is pictured above at 13 weeks of age at the handling classes Nate runs and teaches in Peterborough Ontario. She is a natural show girl and her future looks bright!
On Thursday June 30th Paris is awarded Best of Breed twice and Group 1 twice at the Bobcaygeon Kennel Club dog shows in Norwood Ontario. Thank you to judges Ed Wild and Cheryl Myers-Egerton for these wonderful honours!
We have a new addition here at Brookfield Dalmatians as seen above! Everyone please meet baby 'Briar' who will also known as "BedlamAcres Rhapsody Rose at Brookfield". We welcomed her home on Sunday May 29th 2022 after weeks of planning, organising, and getting prepared in every sense for her special arrival. We cannot thank Heather Parsons enough for breeding such a lovely. confident, and healthy litter which Briar came from. Stay tuned for more photos as she grows and is taken on many adventures!
To conclude our fabulous weekend in Ottawa, on Sunday May 29th 2022, Paris wins Reserve BEST IN SHOW as well as OWNER HANDLED BEST IN SHOW under judge Heather Langfeld (pictured above). We would be lying if we denied that tears were shed from pure joy in this moment and on the drive home. These wins secure Paris as the NUMBER ONE Dalmatian in ALL of Canada as well as the Number ONE Owner Handled Dalmatian, the Number 8 Non-Sporting Dog, and the 12th Owner Handled dog All-Breed!
At the single show of the day on Sunday May 29th 2022 judge Cheryl Patterson finds Paris for Best of Breed, Group 1, and Owner-Handler Group 1 (pictured above). This gives Paris 5 out of 5 Best of Breed wins with a Group placement every time she was shown in the Non-Sporting group in Ottawa. What a feat - we are so beyond proud of her!
At the afternoon show in Ottawa on Saturday May 28th 2022 Paris is awarded Best of Breed and a Group 1 by judge Heather Langfeld (pictured above). This win finishes Paris's GRAND CHAMPION BRONZE status - Woohoo!
The morning of Saturday May 28th 2022 brought sunshine and more wins for Paris! Judge Robert Rowbotham chose her for Best of Breed and Group 3 out of the Non-Sporting group in Ottawa (pictured above).
The afternoon show on Friday May 27th 2022 was another wet yet successful outing for Paris. Thanks to judge Thomas Nesbitt for selecting her for Best of Breed and Group 2 (pictured above).
At the rainy morning show on Friday May 27th 2022 Paris is nicely awarded Best of Breed and Group 3 under judge David Swartwood at the Ottawa Kennel Club (pictured above).
On Tuesday May 3rd and Wednesday May 4th 2022 Paris competed in her first Fast CAT runs down in Virginia Beach USA. She had a great time and garnered 4 qualifying runs over the course of the two days - what a fun experience it will be adding another title to her name. Stay tuned!
Paris looking fantastic at the Dalmatian Club of America National Specialty in Virginia Beach on Tuesday May 3rd 2022.
Three more Group 4 placements for Paris at the Victoria County shows on the first weekend of May 2022. Thank you to Judges Mike Jackman, Patricia Lanctot, and Michael Lanctot for the honours!
On Friday April 15th 2022 Paris is selected Best of Breed and a lovely Group 1 under judge Wendy Anderson in Petawawa Ontario (pictured above). This placement has secured Paris as the Number 1 Dalmatian in Ontario, the Number 3 Dalmatian across all of Canada, and the Number 1 Owner-Handled Dalmatian in the Country!
Back in Canada and off to Petawawa Ontario for more Canadian dog shows! Paris has a lovely first day on Thursday April 14th 2022 going Best of Breed under judge Tony Vandendool and a Group 2 under judge Lee Steeves (pictured above).
Day three in New York and Paris went Winners Bitch under judge Charles Olvis on April 2nd 2022 (pictured above). She then finished the weekend with another Winners Bitch and Best of Winners under judge Raymond Filburn on Sunday April 3rd 2022. She is now past the halfway point to obtaining her American Championship!
Day two at Syracuse dog show Paris was awarded Reserve Winners Bitch under judge Claudia Seaburg on April 1st 2022 (pictured above).
Off to the USA we go and was it ever good to us! Paris is awarded Winners Bitch and Best of Winners under judge Steve Dainard on day one of the Syracuse dog shows in New York March 31st 2022 (pictured above).
Paris has a lovely new ad made for her by the ladies from the Canadian Dog Fancier publication to feature her recent win under judge Dana Garcia Tice (pictured above).
At our first show of 2022, Paris was awarded a Best of Breed win courtesy of judge Mr. Peter Scott on March 11th and another Best of Breed win and a large Group 2 placement under judge Dana Garcia Tice on March 13th (pictured above).
Our newest ad featured in the Canadian Dog Fancier publication on March 2nd showcasing Paris's wins from Pennsylvania (pictured above).
Paris received her official certificate from the CKC honouring her GCH accomplishment. It was very nice to see this envelope arrive and it will proudly be framed to display (pictured above).
Paris, also known as Grand Champion "Hallmarks Shantay You Stay", ends 2021 being the Number TWO Dalmatian in all of Canada! What a thrill for such a young girl, in limited showing, many Covid related obstacles, and great competition. *Certificate taken from Canuck Dogs standings pictured above*
Winners Bitch & Best of Winners goes to Paris at the Delaware Valley Dalmatian Club speciality in Oaks Pennsylvania December 12th 2021 under judge David Miller (pictured above).
Paris is awarded BEST in Sweepstakes under judge Diedre Petrie, the very first time she is in an American dog show ring, at the Delaware Valley Dalmatian Club in Oaks Pennsylvania on December 11th 2021 (pictured above).
Sunday November 21st 2021 Paris goes Best of Breed in the afternoon Non-Sporting speciality under judge Lee Anne Batemen at the large Aurora dog shows held in Mississauga (pictured above).
Paris wins a large Best of Breed win under judge David Miller (USA) in the morning all-breed show at Aurora kennel clubs large dog show! Followed by a fantastic Group 4 placement on Sunday November 21st 2021 (pictured above).
The Georgina dog show November 12-14th 2021 was good to Paris. She was awarded Best of Breed all weekend and a lovely GROUP FIRST thanks to judge Cheryl Paterson (pictured above).
Paris earns her GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP! Winning Best of Breed all weekend at the Trillium shows October 29-31st 2021 with a big Group 2nd thanks to judge Wendy Anderson (pictured above) and a nice Group 3rd under judge Wendy Maisey.
Paris completes her GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP to finish off the Pine Ridge dog shows on Sunday October 3rd 2021. Judges Thomas Alexander and Sandy Alexander both gave Paris Group 4 placements - both on the same day! (pictured above).
Paris on the move to Best of Breed on Saturday October 2nd 2021 under judges Joy Lynne Huntley and Barbara Heal at the Pine Ridge dog shows. Judge Barbara Heal also awarded Paris a Group 4 that afternoon.
Friday October 1st 2021 judge Tempest Deptuch gave Paris a Best of Breed and later in the day judge Ed Wild also awarded her Best of Breed again as well as a lovely Group 2 (pictured above) at Pine Ridge.
It is official as of September 15th 2021 - We are an approved and registered kennel with the Canadian Kennel Club. This is the new beginning of a very exciting lifelong commitment to Brookfield Dalmatians!
Another health test success! Paris gets her eyes cleared 'Normal' at the CAER eye clinic on September 11th 2021.
Saturday August 8th 2021 judge Carol Graham awards Paris Best of Breed at the Elgin County kennel club (pictured above) from a great line up of beautiful Dalmatians.
Paris has mail! She is officially a CHAMPION, finishing with all of her required points in only two weekends of showing, and all owner handled by Nathan at the end of her lead.
Paris finished her Championship from the puppy classes on the Monday of the Barrie weekend shows on August 2nd 2021. What a thrill - thank you to judge Anik Premeau (pictured above)!
The Barrie weekend started off with a bang. Paris wins Best of Breed, a big Group 2, and her third Best Puppy in Group under judge Glen Stark on Saturday July 31st 2021 (pictured above).
Judge Thora Brown also found puppy Paris in a beautiful line up of other Dalmatians and Non-Sporting puppies to award her another Best Puppy in Group (pictured above) on Friday July 9th 2021 at the Champlain Dog Show.
The first day of the Champlain dog shows, Monday July 5th 2021, was a great CKC debut for our puppy Paris. She garnered her first Best Puppy in Group thanks to judge Peter Scott then a BEST PUPPY IN SHOW under judge Heather Langfeld. The ribbon was almost as big as Paris herself (pictured above)!